Start your professional career at WOSD
Introducing divers to the underwater world safely and responsibly
As a dive instructor you have the opportunity to transfer your own hobby / passion to new and existing divers. You are the calling card of WOSD but also of the diving sport and involved in the development of divers. Your goal is to get every person out of the water with a smile.
WOSD Instructor courses are divided into 'Primary Instructor Courses', 'Instructor Recreational Specialties' and 'Instructor Technical Specialties'.
In this group includes the primary instructor courses that use the complete diving equipment. The main goal of these courses is to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly train a diver in a youth or primary course.
Dive Leader
The WOSD 'Dive Leader' course is the first 'professional' certification in the WOSD range of courses. Following completion of this course, a WOSD 'Dive Leader' may assist an instructor during courses and may also independently train and certify snorkel divers. In addition a 'Dive Leader' may conduct supervised dives for ‘Supervised Divers'.
Therefore this course focuses primarily on management, didactical skills and control during (diver) training. The trainee is also taught how to conduct snorkel courses and how to supervise certified divers A WOSD 'Dive Leader' is a professional who is invaluable throughout the world.
The WOSD “Dive Leader” course consists of the following sections:
Theoretical Knowledge:
In this part of the course, you learn the additional theoretical knowledge that is also required to become a WOSD Instructor. The WOSD system is covered in detail, as are medical and technical related aspects of diving. You also learn the basic methods required for teaching theory and practical lessons.
Practical Skills:
In this section of the course, the in-water skills of the WOSD ‘Dive Leader’ are perfected, including basic dive skills and diver rescue techniques. Also the mental and physical capacity of the WOSD ‘Dive Leader’ candidate to carry out diver training and escorted dives safely, is evaluated.
Of course, it is extremely important to ensure that the WOSD ‘Dive Leader’ candidate is able to apply the knowledge and skills gained during the course, in practice. To this end, the candidate is required to assist during a complete primary course and a complete speciality course. The WOSD Dive Leader candidate will also receive a number of assignments and is expected to organise and execute these independently.
- Minimum 17 years of age (and must be at least have reached the age of majority that applies in the country where the student will conduct courses for instructional qualification);
- Competent swimmer (swimming diploma not necessary);
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year);
- Signed Certificate of Understanding;
- At least 60 logged dives (excluding training dives);
- Certified as a WOSD 'Underwater Navigator' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Night Diver' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Multi-level Deep Diver' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Equipment Specialist' or equivalent;
- Certified as a DAN 'Basic Life Support Provider' or equivalent;
- Certified as a DAN 'Oxygen Provider' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Rescue Diver' or equivalent.
Authorized to:
- Carry out non-decompression dives with Scuba equipment;
- Dive to a maximum depth of 40 metres;
- Conduct supervised dives with up to 4 WOSD ‘Supervised Divers’ (Diver level 1) or equivalents;
- Conduct supervised dives with WOSD ‘Autonomous Divers’ (Diver level 2) and higher or equivalents;
- Train and certify trainees for the WOSD ‘Snorkel Diver’ course;
- Assist a WOSD Instructor.
This WOSD course is ISO 24801-3 certified. This means that this WOSD course meets the highest international standards for quality and safety.
Instructor, level 1
The 'Instructor Level 1' course is designed to provide the instructor candidate with the knowledge and experience that is required to train divers up to 'Supervised Diver' (Diver level 1) in a safe and responsible manner for the theory and swimming pool / confined water sections.
After following specific 'dry' speciality instructor courses, an Instructor Level 1, may also train and certify trainees in those specialities. These are specialty courses where the students do not have to go into the water, such as the WOSD 'Equipment Specialist'.
Under the direct supervision of an 'Instructor Level 2', an 'Instructor Level 1' may also train and evaluate trainees for the theory and swimming pool / confined water sessions of the 'Autonomous Diver' (Diver level 2) and Dive Leader' (Diver level 3) courses.
The WOSD “Instructor Level 1” course consists of the following sections:
Instructor Training Course (ITC):
During the ITC you will become proficient in the use of the WOSD D-Learning training system. The purpose is to further develop your didactical skills and also increase your ability to evaluate trainees. You will run various theoretical and practical sessions, under the guidance of a WOSD ‘Instructor Trainer’, who will evaluate and help you improve your abilities. The section will be rounded off by covering relevant legal issues and legislation as well as administrative tasks.
Instructor Examination (IE):
In order to ensure that a potential WOSD ‘Instructor Level 1’ has the required level of skills and knowledge, the final phase of a ‘WOSD ‘Instructor Level 1’ course is an examination. An independent WOSD ‘Instructor Examiner’, who was not involved in the ITC, will evaluate the ‘WOSD ‘Instructor Level 1’ candidate on their ability to train a WOSD diver in a safe and professional manner.
- Minimum 18 years of age (and must be at least have reached the age of majority that applies in the country where the student will conduct courses for instructional qualification);
- Competent swimmer (swimming diploma not necessary);
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year);
- Signed Certificate of Understanding;
- At least 90 logged dives (excluding training dives);
- Certified as a WOSD 'Underwater Navigator' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Night Diver' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Multi-level Deep Diver' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Equipment Specialist' or equivalent;
- Certified as a DAN 'Basic Life Support Provider' or equivalent;
- Certified as a DAN 'Oxygen Provider' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Rescue Diver' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Dive Leader' (Diver level 3) or equivalent.
Authorized to:
- Carry out non-decompression dives with Scuba equipment;
- Dive to a maximum depth of 40 metres;
- Train and certify trainees for the WOSD ‘Snorkel Diver’ course;
- Train and certify trainees for the WOSD ‘MiniDiveSet User’ course;
- Train and certify trainees for the WOSD 'dry' specialty courses (following additional WOSD Speciality Instructor training);
- Train and evaluate trainees up to 'Supervised Diver' (Diver level 1) for the theory sessions;
- Train and evaluate trainees up to 'Supervised Diver' (Diver level 1) for the swimming pool/confined water sessions.
If an 'Instructor Level 1' is directly supervised and authorised by a WOSD 'Instructor Level 2': - Train and evaluate trainees up to 'Autonomous Diver' (Diver level 2) for the swimming pool/confined water sessions;
- Train and evaluate trainees up to 'Dive Leader' (Diver level 3) for the swimming pool/confined water sessions.
This WOSD course is ISO 24802-1 certified. This means that this WOSD course meets the highest international standards for quality and safety.
Instructor, level 2
The WOSD 'Instructor Level 2' course is designed to provide the instructor candidate with the knowledge and experience that are required to train and certify divers for all the WOSD primary courses in a safe and responsible manner. A WOSD ‘Instructor Level 2’ can also conduct all WOSD speciality courses for which he or she is certified at WOSD instructor level, without supervision.
Because a WOSD 'Instructor Level 2' is directly responsible for his or her trainees and assistants, the demands for this course are high.
The WOSD “Instructor Level 2” course consists of the following sections:
Instructor Training Course (ITC):
During the ITC you will become proficient in the use of the WOSD D-Learning training system. The purpose is to further develop your didactical skills and also increase your ability to evaluate trainees. You will run various theoretical and practical sessions, under the guidance of a WOSD ‘Instructor Trainer’, who will evaluate and help you improve your abilities. The section will be rounded off by covering relevant legal issues and legislation as well as administrative tasks.
Instructor Examination (IE):
In order to ensure that a potential WOSD ‘Instructor Level 2’ has the required level of skills and knowledge, the final phase of a ‘WOSD ‘Instructor Level 2’ course is an examination. An independent WOSD ‘Instructor Examiner’, who was not involved in the ITC, will evaluate the ‘WOSD ‘Instructor Level 2’ candidate on their ability to train a WOSD diver in a safe and professional manner.
- Minimum 18 years of age (and must be at least have reached the age of majority that applies in the country where the student will conduct courses for instructional qualification);
- Competent swimmer (swimming diploma not necessary);
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year);
- Signed Certificate of Understanding;
- At least 120 logged dives (excluding training dives);
- Certified as a WOSD 'Underwater Navigator' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Night Diver' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Multi-level Deep Diver' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Equipment Specialist' or equivalent;
- Certified as a DAN 'Basic Life Support Provider' or equivalent;
- Certified as a DAN 'Oxygen Provider' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Rescue Diver' or equivalent;
- Certified as a WOSD 'Dive Leader' (Diver level 3) or equivalent.
Authorized to:
- Carry out non-decompression dives with Scuba equipment;
- Dive to a maximum depth of 40 metres;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD primary courses;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD recreational speciality courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Level 2’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD medical speciality courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Level 2’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD technical speciality courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Level 2’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Level;
- Supervise a WOSD ‘Instructor Level 1’.
This WOSD course is ISO 24802-2 certified. This means that this WOSD course meets the highest international standards for quality and safety.
Instructor cross-over
For Instructors from other diving organisations who want to become a WOSD Instructor, there are WOSD cross-over courses.
The WOSD crossover courses do not have a fixed, standard program, but are set up on an individual basis. The advantage is that the relevant crossover candidate does not have to relearn the information that he or she already knows, but only receives that information that is necessary in addition to become certified as a WOSD Instructor.
The information that can be included in a WOSD Cross-over course are:
– The WOSD Standards and Procedures;
– The ISO standardisation system;
– The WOSD courses and training organisation charts;
– The WOSD Digital Learning System (D-learning);
– Theoretical and practical lesson presentations through modular didactics;
– The WOSD Dive Planner;
– The WOSD (diving) skills;
– The WOSD Digital Member system (D-Member).
- Minimum 18 years of age (and must be at least have reached the age of majority that applies in the country where the student will conduct courses for instructional qualification);
- Competent swimmer (swimming diploma not necessary);
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year);
- Signed Certificate of Understanding;
- At least 120 logged dives (excluding training dives);
- In possession of a recognised diving instructor certificate in active status;
- In possession of a recognised underwater navigation certificate;
- In possession of a recognised night diver certificate;
- In possession of a recognised (multi-level) deep diver certificate;
- In possession of a recognised equipment specialist certificate;
- In possession of a recognised rescue diver certificate;
- In possession of a recognised First Aid and CPR certificate;
- In possession of a recognized certificate for the administration of medical oxygen.
*Because WOSD has developed its entire training system according to ISO standards and guidelines, a crossover instructor candidate may be required to complete additional certifications before gaining full certification at the appropriate WOSD Instructor level.
Authorized to:
These depend on the entry level and are equal to the powers that apply to the relevant WOSD instructor level. Look at the other WOSD primary instructor courses for a detailed overview of the different levels.
Staff Instructor
The WOSD Staff Instructor course is the first step from training divers, to training Dive Instructors.
A WOSD Staff Instructor may assist an Instructor Trainer during instructor training courses. In addition, he or she may, under supervision of a WOSD Instructor Trainer, train an Instructor level 1.
The WOSD “Staff Instructor” course consists of the following sections:
Staff Instructor Training Course (SITC):
In this part of the course, you assist, under the guidance of a WOSD ‘Instructor Trainer’, during two complete WOSD Instructor Training courses (ITC).
During the first ITC you learn about the ITC structure and how the to evaluate candidates during an ITC.
If you complete this first ITC successfully, you then run a second ITC, including all modules and evaluations. This part of the course will be rounded off with the administrative requirements for an ITC. Following successful completion of this part of the course, you can start the Staff Instructor Examination.
Staff Instructor Examination (SIE):
In order to ensure that a potential WOSD ‘Staff Instructor’ has the required level of skills and knowledge, the final phase of a WOSD ‘Staff Instructor’ course is an examination. An independent WOSD ‘Instructor Examiner’, who was not involved in the ITC, will evaluate the ‘WOSD ‘Staff Instructor’ candidate on their ability to assist a WOSD 'Instructor Trainer' in a safe and professional manner.
- Minimum 21 years of age (and must be at least have reached the age of majority that applies in the country where the student will conduct courses for instructional qualification);
- Competent swimmer (swimming diploma not necessary);
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year);
- Signed Certificate of Understanding;
- At least 1 year in possession of the certificate 'WOSD Instructor, level 2';
- Have certified at least 50 students at WOSD basic and WOSD specialty level;
- Certified as a DAN 'Basic Life Support Instructor' or equivalent;
- Certified as a DAN 'Oxygen Provider Instructor' or equivalent;
- Completed at least 2 x a full 'WOSD Instructor level 2' training course (ITC) as a staff instructor trainee.
Authorized to:
- Carry out non-decompression dives with Scuba equipment;
- Dive to a maximum depth of 40 metres;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD primary courses;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD recreational speciality courses for which the WOSD ‘Staff Instructor’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD medical speciality courses for which the WOSD ‘Staff Instructor’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD technical speciality courses for which the WOSD ‘Staff Instructor’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Level;
If the 'Staff Instructor' is directly supervised and authorised by a WOSD 'Instructor Trainer': - Train and evaluate a WOSD 'Instructor level 1'.
Instructor Trainer
Just as a WOSD Instructor is responsible for the training of WOSD divers, so is a WOSD 'Instructor Trainer' responsible for the training of WOSD Instructors and WOSD Staff Instructors.
He or she is responsible for bringing a (Staff) Instructor candidate to the level that is required by the WOSD and to ensure that they have a good chance of passing the final (Staff) Instructor examination that is judged by an independent Instructor Examiner. That is why the WOSD 'Instructor Trainer' course is only run at the WOSD head office.
During the WOSD Instructor Trainer course, the 'Instructor Trainer' candidate will learn how to recognise and develop the best qualities of a (staff) Instructor trainee. Training is also given in didactical skills, management and dive skills and the professionalism and attitude of the Instructor Trainer candidate are evaluated.
- Minimum 25 years of age;
- Competent swimmer (swimming diploma not necessary);
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year);
- Signed Certificate of Understanding;
- At least 2 years in possession of the certificate 'WOSD Staff Instructor';
- Have certified at least 100 students at WOSD basic and WOSD specialty level;
- Completed at least 3 x a full 'WOSD Instructor level 2' training course (ITC) as a staff instructor;
- Completed at least 1 x a full 'WOSD Staff Instructor' training course (SITC) as a staff instructor.
Authorized to:
- Carry out non-decompression dives with Scuba equipment;
- Dive to a maximum depth of 40 metres;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD primary courses;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD recreational speciality courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Trainer’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD medical speciality courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Trainer’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD technical speciality courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Trainer’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Level;
- Train trainees for the WOSD 'Instructor Level 1' and 'Instructor Level 2' level;
- Train trainees for the WOSD 'Staff Instructor' level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD recreational speciality instructor courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Trainer’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Trainer Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD medical speciality instructor courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Trainer’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Trainer Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD technical speciality instructor courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Trainer’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Trainer Level;
In consultation with and after authorisation by the WOSD Head Office: - Train and certify 'cross-over' Instructors from other organisations.
Instructor Examiner
The WOSD level 'Instructor Examiner' is the highest WOSD level. Therefore this course is only held at the WOSD Head Office. In addition to the tasks for which a WOSD 'Instructor Trainer' is authorised, a WOSD 'Instructor Examiner' can also certify WOSD Instructor's and WOSD Staff Instructor's.
Because a WOSD 'Instructor Examiner' can teach all WOSD courses, the demands for personal and professional qualities are very high. A potential WOSD Instructor Examiner is critically evaluated by the WOSD Head Office prior to following a WOSD Instructor Examiner course. Because a WOSD 'Instructor Examiner' is the "calling card" of the organisation, he or she may no longer be an active member of another diving organization.
- Minimum 30 years of age;
- Competent swimmer (swimming diploma not necessary);
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year);
- Signed Certificate of Understanding;
- At least 1 year in possession of the certificate 'WOSD Instructor Trainer';
- Have certified at least 50 students at WOSD Instructor level (instructor and specialty instructor levels.
Authorized to:
- Carry out non-decompression dives with Scuba equipment;
- Dive to a maximum depth of 40 metres;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD primary courses;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD recreational speciality courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Examiner’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD medical speciality courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Examiner’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD technical speciality courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Examiner’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD Instructor and WOSD Staff Instructor courses;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD recreational speciality instructor courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Examiner’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Examiner Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD medical speciality instructor courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Examiner’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Examiner Level;
- Train and certify trainees for all WOSD technical speciality instructor courses for which the WOSD ‘Instructor Examiner’ is authorised to train at WOSD Instructor Examiner Level;
- Train and certify 'cross-over' Instructors from other organisations.
Imagine that these beautiful locations can be your workplace.

As a WOSD diving instructor you have this opportunity.
This group includes instructor courses that uses the complete diving equipment. The main goal of these courses is to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly train a diver in a recreational specialty course.
Dry Suit Instructor
During the WOSD specialty instructor course 'Dry Suit Instructor' you will learn how to prepare and conduct a WOSD dry suit diver course. After successfully completing this specialty instructor course you will receive the WOSD certificate 'Dry Suit Instructor'.
The WOSD "Dry Suit Instructor" course consists of the following sections:
Theoretical knowledge:
In this section you will learn how to transfer the knowledge and skills of the WOSD specialty course 'Dry Suit Diver' to a student. In addition, you will learn which dangers and details you should keep an eye on when giving this course. Also all administrative actions are dealt with in this section.
Practical skills:
In this section, under the guidance of a WOSD Instructor Trainer, you will teach a dry suit diver specialty as an Instructor Candidate where you must perform a number of assignments correctly.
- Certified as a WOSD 'Dry Suit Diver' or equivalent;
- Be an active status WOSD instructor;
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year).
Authorized to:
- Independently preparing, conducting and certifying a WOSD 'Dry Suit Diver' specialty course.
Equipment instructor
During the WOSD specialty instructor course 'Equipment Instructor' you will learn how to prepare and conduct a WOSD equipment specialist course. After successfully completing this specialty instructor course you will receive the WOSD certificate 'Equipment Instructor'.
The WOSD "Equipment Instructor" course consists of the following sections:
Theoretical knowledge:
In this section you will learn how to transfer the knowledge and skills of the WOSD specialty course 'Equipment Specialist' to a student. In addition, you will learn which dangers and details you should keep an eye on when giving this course. Also all administrative actions are dealt with in this section.
Practical skills:
In this section, under the guidance of a WOSD Instructor Trainer, you will teach an equipment specialty as an Instructor Candidate where you must perform a number of assignments correctly.
- Certified as a WOSD 'Equipment Specialist' or equivalent;
- Be an active status WOSD instructor;
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year).
Authorized to:
- Independently preparing, conducting and certifying a WOSD 'Equipment Specialist' specialty course.
Multi-level Deep Instructor
During the WOSD specialty instructor course 'Multi-level Deep Instructor' you will learn how to prepare and conduct a WOSD multi-level deep diver course. After successfully completing this specialty instructor course you will receive the WOSD certificate 'Multi-level Deep Instructor'.
The WOSD "Multi-level Deep Instructor" course consists of the following sections:
Theoretical knowledge:
In this section you will learn how to transfer the knowledge and skills of the WOSD specialty course 'Multi-level Deep Diver' to a student. In addition, you will learn which dangers and details you should keep an eye on when giving this course. Also all administrative actions are dealt with in this section.
Practical skills:
In this section, under the guidance of a WOSD Instructor Trainer, you will teach a multi-level deep diver specialty as an Instructor Candidate where you must perform a number of assignments correctly.
- Certified as a WOSD 'Multi-level Deep Diver' or equivalent;
- Be an active status WOSD instructor;
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year).
Authorized to:
- Independently preparing, conducting and certifying a WOSD 'Multi-level Deep Diver' specialty course.
Night Diver Instructor
During the WOSD specialty instructor course 'Night Diver Instructor' you will learn how to prepare and conduct a WOSD night diver course. After successfully completing this specialty instructor course you will receive the WOSD certificate 'Nigh Diver Instructor'.
The WOSD "Night Diver Instructor" course consists of the following sections:
Theoretical knowledge:
In this section you will learn how to transfer the knowledge and skills of the WOSD specialty course 'Night Diver' to a student. In addition, you will learn which dangers and details you should keep an eye on when giving this course. Also all administrative actions are dealt with in this section.
Practical skills:
In this section, under the guidance of a WOSD Instructor Trainer, you will teach a night diver specialty as an Instructor Candidate where you must perform a number of assignments correctly.
- Certified as a WOSD 'Night Diver' or equivalent;
- Be an active status WOSD instructor;
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year).
Authorized to:
- Independently preparing, conducting and certifying a WOSD 'Night Diver' specialty course.
UW Navigator Instructor
During the WOSD specialty instructor course 'Underwater Navigator Instructor' you will learn how to prepare and conduct a WOSD underwater navigator course. After successfully completing this specialty instructor course you will receive the WOSD certificate 'UW Navigator Instructor'.
The WOSD "UW Navigator Instructor" course consists of the following sections:
Theoretical knowledge:
In this section you will learn how to transfer the knowledge and skills of the WOSD specialty course 'UW Navigator' to a student. In addition, you will learn which dangers and details you should keep an eye on when giving this course. Also all administrative actions are dealt with in this section.
Practical skills:
In this section, under the guidance of a WOSD Instructor Trainer, you will teach an underwater navigator specialty as an Instructor Candidate where you must perform a number of assignments correctly.
- Certified as a WOSD 'UW Navigator' or equivalent;
- Be an active status WOSD instructor;
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year).
Authorized to:
- Independently preparing, conducting and certifying a WOSD 'UW Navigator' specialty course.
This group includes instructor courses that uses the complete diving equipment. The main goal of these courses is to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly train a diver in a technical specialty course.
Enriched Air Instr,
level 1
During the WOSD specialty instructor course 'Enriched Air Instructor, level 1' you will learn how to prepare and conduct a WOSD enriched air diver, level 1 course. After successfully completing this specialty instructor course you will receive the WOSD certificate 'Enriched Air Instructor, level 1'.
The WOSD "Enriched Air Instructor, level 1" course consists of the following sections:
Theoretical knowledge:
In this section you will learn how to transfer the knowledge and skills of the WOSD specialty course 'Enriched Air Diver, level 1' to a student. In addition, you will learn which dangers and details you should keep an eye on when giving this course. Also all administrative actions are dealt with in this section.
Practical skills:
In this section, under the guidance of a WOSD Instructor Trainer, you will teach an enriched air diver, level 1 specialty as an Instructor Candidate where you must perform a number of assignments correctly.
- Certified as a WOSD 'Enriched Air Diver, level 1' or equivalent;
- Be an active status WOSD instructor;
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year).
Authorized to:
- Independently preparing, conducting and certifying a WOSD 'Enriched Air Diver, level 1 specialty course.
Ice Diver Instr,
level 1
During the WOSD specialty instructor course 'Ice Diver Instructor, level 1' you will learn how to prepare and conduct a WOSD ice diver, level 1 course. After successfully completing this specialty instructor course you will receive the WOSD certificate 'Ice Diver Instructor, level 1'.
The WOSD "Ice Diver Instructor, level 1" course consists of the following sections:
Theoretical knowledge:
In this section you will learn how to transfer the knowledge and skills of the WOSD specialty course 'Ice Diver, level 1' to a student. In addition, you will learn which dangers and details you should keep an eye on when giving this course. Also all administrative actions are dealt with in this section.
Practical skills:
In this section, under the guidance of a WOSD Instructor Trainer, you will teach an ice diver, level 1 specialty as an Instructor Candidate where you must perform a number of assignments correctly.
- Certified as a WOSD 'Ice Diver, level 1' or equivalent;
- Be an active status WOSD instructor;
- Approved medical examination (not older than 1 year).
Authorized to:
- Independently preparing, conducting and certifying a WOSD 'Ice Diver, level 1 specialty course.